10 events found.
Budget Meeting-7:00pm *If Necessary
This meeting may be cancelled at the discretion of Council should Council determine that the Borough's business necessitating the special meetings has been completed at prior meetings.
Beautification Committee Meeting-CANCELLED
Meeting moved a week ahead.
Library Halloween Party-6:00pm
For children of all ages! Come in Costume! Games, prizes, crafts and refreshments! Raffles too
“It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown” movie-7:00pm
Wear your pajamas and enjoy treats from the Popcorn Bar! Please register in advance, call 215-295-4850.
Story Time & Crafts: 10:30am-11:30am
Themed stories and crafts, for children ages 2-6
Story Time & Play Time-10:30am-11:30am
Seasonal themed stories followed by block time. For ages 2-5.
MEDC Meeting-7:00pm
Morrisville Economic Development Corporation (MEDC)
Story Time & Crafts: 10:30am-11:30am
Themed stories and crafts, for children ages 2-6
Story Time & Play Time-10:30am-11:30am
Seasonal themed stories followed by block time. For ages 2-5.